Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ninjas Sleep Here...

NOTE: at the end of this posting will be a link to the full web album of all the pics we took at the hostel (with witty captions) since again, we took too many photos, here's a rough outline and some choice pics though, enjoy!

after making it through the transit system and finding our way around the streets we happen upon the lair:

anita enters stealth mode:

and after locating our cubbies,

a game of peekaboo ensues:

we then take some private time to relax and enjoy our own spaces

a well earned dinner of gyoza, shrimp and udon followed. you can't see it in this pic, but there are a coupla glimples in the album linked at the bottom of the owner/waitress who beat down her son in the restaurant for continuing to squirt her with a water pistol - it was kinda crazy.

on our way back from dinner we tried to check out a pachinco parlor but it was waaaay too noisy, confusing and smoky to give up it's secrets this night - we'll definitely try again though.

ok, sleepy time for someone

oh hey, here's something of note about japan in general, it seems as though the streets and public spaces are very clean but there are not many public receptacles for putting trash in - i guess people just bring it back to their private bins. well they seem pretty mindful of recycling, but they seem to enjoy burning things even more - as can be inferred from the relative size of the "burnable" bin to the recycling one!

the following day or so (we were at the ninja hostel for 3 days) more silliness ensued. here are a couple action shots - more in the album at the end.

oh and apparently martito found a little friend - katsu bear!

here's a link to the full album and all our silliness:


Jackie said...

Great Picasa pics and very funny comments. You two are adorable. I especially like the muscle pics and the looks on Marc's face. What's in store for your final week? xoxo

mayadg said...

Hah, hah, love the cubby pix. You two look like "whack a mole" contestants! Miss you guys :)