Tuesday, October 14, 2008

baum chicka baum baum

NOTE: full album of the day's events included at the bottom of this posting

Alright, we found some of the best baum this place has to offer. After the fish market we strolled on to the Ginza district to find a citibank and hit up the shopping area. We had an entertaining walk and at one point I was <--this close--> to meeting a japanese rock star... or perhaps he was an actor. Still not sure, here is our almost picture together:

We continued on to Ginza and after a almost helpful police officer or meter maid (couldnt tell the difference) escorted us in the general area of citibank we were able to find it. We saw a big department store (think Nordstroms on crack) across the street and decided to check it out. It hadnt opened yet and there was a small line forming.

Not knowing what the line was for we of course joined it and made friends with a nice lady from Gifu. We waited in the line for about 15 minutes and it grew to be pretty long... Finally the doors opened up and it turns out we were at a baum shop!!!!

Here is Marc trying to order us some baum:


And the rest of the silliness from the day can be found here:

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